
Always do something. You can't waste this good time in vain.


Choosing to be with people with positive energy is to plant beautiful seeds for their hearts.


Do not seek momentum like a rainbow, ride the wind and waves, just hope to forge ahead and live up to stubbornness


All the rewards in life depend on yourself!


Tomorrow is the fastest growing land in the world, because it is full of hope.


Give yourself a hope, don't worry about yesterday, don't be confused about tomorrow, just for today to be better


Seize the opportunity you can grasp and do everything right now. Opportunities and success will always come.


May the sun shine everywhere you go; May the place where you dream be warm.


If the world turns us into patients, we must be our own doctors.


It's already the lowest point. It's always upward, so what are you afraid of?


A group of dark horses will emerge every holiday, and a piece of stars will fall at the same time.


You can't escape some obstacles in life. It's better to climb bravely than go through all the twists and turns. Maybe this will build the high point of your life.

你还年轻 , 别凑活过, 接下来的人生 ,还有万万种可能。

You're still young. Don't make a living. There are thousands of possibilities in the next life.


"We should believe that day after day, which seems to have no waves, will let us see the significance of persistence one day.".

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